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Top 5 Free Camera/Picture Apps

1. Pixlr Express (Android-Download)
This app is primarily made for editing pictures and it does it very well. Unlike most camera apps I downloaded, this one has a very simple layout that makes editing super simple and convenient. When I picked through the categories they branched off into more and more sub-options letting me use any feature and do almost anything I wanted. If I had to recommend my top number one favorite app for editing pictures this would definitely be my first choice.
2. Can Scanner (Android-Download)
 Not every app on this list is just for editing, Can Scanner for example works very well for creating PDF files. Its very easy to use and with just a few clicks I can create a very nice pdf file, I start by first taking a picture of any file, cropping it, and then the app uses software to quickly enchant it and help make it easier to read. It can also be used for pictures that have already been taken in the album.
3. FotoRus(Android-Download)
 Another camera app is FotoRus. It can do almost anything which can make it a bit confusing at times but two things I really liked when using it is how well it could make unique collages and how good it is for adding really creative special effects. It has a feature called InstaMag that can be used to make a cool recap of a trip or vacation or to edit a pictures lighting, add borders, or do anything else that a photo editer app should do.
4. Cymera (Android-Download)
 So from all the apps in this list so far I guess what is most unique here is that the camera can actually be used with the app, so you don't need to always be using pictures from your Album. This can be very nice because it adds many extra features to the camera while taking the pictures that you would otherwise not have. One example is the super 4 feature that lets you take 4 pictures, 1 second apart and then puts all together into one nice photo.
5. Funny Camera  (Android-Download)
 As the name suggests you can use this app to create some funny pictures that may really (probably not) confuse someone (did I confuse you?). Just open the app, click start, and there will be a list of about 70 pictures of random places all over the world. After picking one, you can find a white transparent area and insert your own picture of anything you want. As you can see here I took my cat thats from the app above and inserted a picture of it in an Art Museum.


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